Tuesday, December 9, 2008

why i hate cats

my mom has a lot of cats. i hate them. they get hair everywhere, they are messy, and they are annoying. i hate it when the cat comes and meows cause it wants out. or it wakes you in the middle of the night to go outside. it doesnt help that my girlfriend is allergic to cats. i hate how their hair gets on everything. i can go home for one day then come back to school and everything is covered in hair. i would much rather have a dog than a cat. atleast a dog will live ouside all the time and wont tear up the house and leave hair everywhere. a dog might be a pain in the city cause you aould have to walk it and everything, but im gonna live in the country so i wont have to walk it. this is why i would prefer a dog over a cat, any day. i do like that cats are small and cuddly and they will sleep in your bed and keep your feet warm but its not worth all the nasty hair they shed in the house. so when i get my own house i will get a outdoor dog, and no cats.

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