Sunday, October 19, 2008

Video Games Make Society Less Violent

So this article is kind've controversial to me. Usually the claim is that video games raise violence in society. this article, however, claims that video games reduce violence. i understand that games are just games and thats it. my belief is that the only people who are influenced by a video game are either mentally unstable or they are not age appropriate for the game. obviously a mature rated game is going to affect a 8 year old differently than a 40 year old. so my belief is that if the age ratings are followed that violence can be reduced, but when the age rating is abused violence may go up. when a age appropriate, mentally stable person plays a violent game i think it gives them a chance to have fun and take their frustration out on an inatimate object. when people watch violent movies they are not in control at all and it inadvertantly makes them angry, but when they can control the situation like in a game it relieves stress.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do Words Matter?

This article describes how society makes new words for harsh terms. like Garbage man is now called sanitation worker. i dont understand why we have to think of new terms to call harsh words. people are just jerks these days. i will call the people who pick up my trash garbage men because that is what they are if they are too ashamed to call them selve that then they shouldnt have the job. i pick up trash for my fathers construction company, you can call me whatever you like but in the end ill still just be picking up trash. yeah it may be a gross job low on the pay scale but it has to be done. there are also terms that have been changed to make people feel better about themselves like deferred instead of failed. if i fail at anything i know it is my fault. if it is a test i obviously didnt get enough help or didnt study enough, i do not need to make up words to make myself feel better cause in the end i know that i failed. i think that people care too much about what other people think. you can call me dumb or a failure but i dont care im not going to say things like im not dumb im just under educated. if i am dumb in a certain subject so be it it is probably because i dont try very hard and it is all my fault. so my moral is do what you want and dont care what people say about it or you.

Gender Differences: How Real Are They?

This article trys to explain how males and females are different. It says that girls have a higher grade point average and also have a higher rate of graduating. i do believe this is true because most of the time girls are smarter than guys. i do believe that guys have more common sense than girls. girls can do great in school but that doesnt mean they are gonnna do great in life. There are many things that girls cannot do that guys can do naturally. so even though girls may succeed in book smarts guys usually succeed in common sense and practical skills. now everything i say is my opinion and it is probably wrong, it is just my way of thinking. this also means that there are some very book smart guys and some very practical thinking girls out there i am just generalizing. i believe that common sense and practical skills are more important in life. I would much rather know how to get my car started, or know how to cook, or know how to fix common household items, than i would know how to do calculas or geometry, or be good in world history. But thats just my opinion.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Old Intro
So when I was asked to pick an object that represents my personality I was confused. I am a living person and an object is inanimate and shows no emotion. How could an object represent my complicated personality or emotions? Well first I tried thinking about myself. I know I am a kind, hardworking person, and I like to hunt and fish. So the only thing I could think that would represent those characteristics is my truck. My truck is a 2003 Chevy two wheel drive. The truck is white with a bed cover and tinted windows. So I know that I as well as my truck always go hunting, and also go on dates, this is why I am going to compare myself to my truck, because we both can be dirty when it’s time to play, but clean up nice when it’s time for the ladies.

New Intro
Looking at me from the outside everyone would know that i like hunting and i like going out on dates. Any guy with manners knows that to go on a date you must be cleaned up, also any guy who really hunts knows that hunting gets people dirty. This is why i will compare my truck to me. In order to go on a date both me and my truck must be clean, and going hunting will get both me and my truck dirty.