Tuesday, December 9, 2008

math final tomorrow

so my algebra final is tomorow. algebra is by far my worst subject. i have to get a 30% on the test to pass the class. and it sounds dumb but i might not even do that good. but im gonna try my best and hope for the best. i think the test is going to go over basic stuff but i cant even do that. i hate math so much. this will be my last math class ever. that is if i pass it. surely i can get a 30% but who knows with me. maybe ill get lucky. i really hope i pass cause i dont want to go throught the class again. i really dont think i could do it again. i hate all types of math. so im really hoping that this is the last math class ill ever take. i think it is but you can never be sure. i also hate biology. its going to be close if i passed that one too. im just praying that i pass everything. my parents are gonna be dissappointed enough that im getting D's. well ill hope for the best and try to stay focused. so this is the last blog and im done !! thank the lord.

im dissapointed in the station

i went to the station to fill my craving for ramen noodles, and guess what they didnt have any! so when i was there i got another craving for chicken wings and they didnt have those either. so i got a chicken parmesan and spagetti and meatballs dinner. i hope they are good. the chicken parmesan is in the microwave right now it takes 5 minutes to cook. i cant wait im so hungry. i hope it tastes good. wow its really windy outside. the light pole looks like its about to blow over. it was supposed to snow but it hasnt yet. i hope it doesnt snow until after i leave i dont want to have to drive in the snow. its too dangerous to drive in the snow, especially when i have a two wheel drive truck. my meal just got done cooking it smells really good im gonna eat it after i finish this blog since its probably really hot right now. so this is the second to last blog thank god. i never thought i would get done with these but im almost there. only one more to go. i have no clue what i will write about but im sure ill think of something to write about.

ramen noodles

i like ramen noodles. they taste great and they are very convienent. the only kind i have tried is the chicken flavor, i think im going to try the shrimp flavored today. im gonna go get some from the station right now. i hope they have them cause im really hungry right now. i wonder why i am always so hungry? i hate it when i never get full. i could eat all day long and still be hungry. maybe its because i never eat good food, i need some homemade food, to fill my cravings. i really want a steak with a bake potatoe right now. i just want anything home cooked. anything would be good right now. i hate it when i get hungry and have no way of getting food. like when im hunting, or when im in a long class. i cant wait for this break so i can eat some real food. i havent had meat in a long time. all i eat is microwave food and there isnt any real meat in that. i want a juicy hamburger or a steak or a roast or anything. i wish it was thanksgiving so i could eat a lot of food. but usually we eat a lot during christmas too so ill be ok.

why i hate cats

my mom has a lot of cats. i hate them. they get hair everywhere, they are messy, and they are annoying. i hate it when the cat comes and meows cause it wants out. or it wakes you in the middle of the night to go outside. it doesnt help that my girlfriend is allergic to cats. i hate how their hair gets on everything. i can go home for one day then come back to school and everything is covered in hair. i would much rather have a dog than a cat. atleast a dog will live ouside all the time and wont tear up the house and leave hair everywhere. a dog might be a pain in the city cause you aould have to walk it and everything, but im gonna live in the country so i wont have to walk it. this is why i would prefer a dog over a cat, any day. i do like that cats are small and cuddly and they will sleep in your bed and keep your feet warm but its not worth all the nasty hair they shed in the house. so when i get my own house i will get a outdoor dog, and no cats.

Monday, December 8, 2008


so my portfolio is due in two days. i think im done except for the cover letter, which shouldnt be too hard. the portfolio wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be but these blogs are a lot worse than i thought they would be. i just cant wait to be done and go home. these finals are really stressing me out, but they will be over soon. i am really getting tired of these blogs. i dont see why ten blogs would have been bad, wouldnt it serve the same purpose without the frustration of writing so many blogs, and the teacher wouldnt have to read so much. well i guess complaining isnt gonna get me anywhere. thank god these arent being graded for grammar, cause im not even paying attention to that. well im almost done with this one but i have no clue what im gonna do on the next one. maybe ill just wait till tom to do my next one cause i have no idea what i would do. well i guess ill study for art now then tommorrow i can study for math and i can do the rest of the blogs and my cover letter.


i like to cook. i guess i like to cook because i like to eat and in order to eat you must either cook or eat fast food and i hate fast food. i also like to cook becuase its kindve like experimenting. i can add different spices and ingredients and see what the outcome is. i also just enjoy cooking i dont know why i just like it. my favorite type of cooking would be grilling or baking. i like grilling because it gets me outside. theres nothing like grilling deer steaks on a beautiful spring afternoon. i also like to use a crock pot and cook roasts all day. its nice to be able to put a roast in before work then come home to a meal. girls like a guy that can cook. i like girls that cook but im not afraid to cook a few nights of the week and even help her when she cooks. most guys wont do that but i dont have any problem with it. ive always liked to cook. i guess i was just born with it. i used to always watch emril when i was little. i wanted to be a cook but i kindve just lost that interest.

the best time of your life is...

everyone wonders when the best time of their life is. i believe the best time of your life is the time your in now. this means that have fun where your at dont wish time away, dont wish to be old, or married cause it will be here soon enough. i do find myself wishing for the future but in the back of my head i always remember that it will be here soon enough. i loved my young years because they were worry free, i love my college years cause they are just plain fun, and ill love my older years cause there will be no rules and i can start a family. so i can see benifits about everytime in my life, so im just gonna live it day by day and never wish for anything different. im gonna be happy where i am. im just gonna enjoy my life because ive seen some people with some pretty bad lives and mine is amazing compared to theirs. i have a good family, im going to school , i dont have a drug addiction, and i have a good girlfriend, so i think of myself as extremely lucky. so every day i just have to remember how bad other people have it and how good i truly have it.

getting short on topics

well im getting really short on things to write about. so christmas is coming up and i dont know what to get my girlfriend. she has told me earings but i like to surprise not get something she told me to get. so im not sure what to get her maybe ill just convince her im not getting her earings so then its a surprise when i do. i thought about a camera, or a gym membership, but i want something she is going to remember me by not just use and not think of me. one of her ex's got her a calculator one year, i thought it was dumb. sure the thing cost like a hundred bucks but she never thinks of him for giving her that. like if it was a necklace she would wear it to remember the guy, but an everyday object just seems boring to me. sure when we are old an everyday object may be nice but right now i want her to get sweet things and remember these times. your only a kid once have fun while your there. i want our young years to be memorable. i want us to be able to remember the good times and have things to remember it by.

feral hogs in missouri

i have just read an article over feral hogs in missouri. feral hogs got here from farmers losing hogs, and hunters releasing them to hunt. you may not think that wild hogs are that big of a deal, but they cause many problems to the environment. they cause soil erosion, and give domesticating animals diseases. they also are tough predators that are very dangerous. the articles says they are very hard to get rid of. they are hard to hunt or trap and they reproduce quickly. hunters are advised to shoot them whenever they are seen, no questions asked. the hogs are very dangerous to humans also. they have incredible jaw strenght and are very vicious. i know if i ever saw one i would be scared especially since i bow hunt and a bow is not going to do much to a 500 pound pig. the hog problem has been growing for the past few years and i dont see it stopping anytime soon. i know i will be thinking of ways to reduce the population, but right now i have no ideas.

summer job

my summer job last year is the same job i will be having this summer. it is for the missouri deptartment of conservation, and in the fisheries deptartment. it is a fun job which pays decently. last summer we worked on the platte river and smithville lake, this summer we are only working on smithville lake. the job is kindve fun because it isnt hard and the people i work with are fun to be around. the one thing i dont like about the job is the work ethic expected is very very low. i have a high work ethic but working this job you have to drop it or your going to get too much work done. they expect us to do little to nothing where i could get a lot more done if i actually tried to work. but oh well it saves me from working too hard. this job is helping my future, because the dept. only hires within. so i am putting my name in now so that later i have a better chance of getting a career with them. so this job is fun, pays pretty good, and helps my future greatly. so i will stick with this job till i get absolutely sick of it or get a better job. in the meanwhile ill just put up with it, and live day by day.

northwest so far...

i have enjoyed northwest so far. i dont have very many complaints. i like the small town, and the friendliness of everyone. there are plenty of girls (got me in trouble). the classes are perfect size for me. i have enjoyed it so far, i would like to get a house or apartment though. the dorms arent bad and everyone should try it but i would like a bigger place. i dont like being crowded and forced to keep all my stuff in such a small area. all of my professors have been nice and seem to care about my grades. they are very helpful. although my grades have been bad this semester i think its just because of the new environment. everything that people told me was true. it is a good experience to live in the dorms. it is a small town where the whole town supports the school. it is a party town. WHEN we win semi finals we do tear the goal posts down and carry them through tthe town. so everything i heard about this school did come true. i really didnt think i was going to get used to living in the dorms, especially when my roomate is... well so different than me. but i got used to everything and i like it thats all that matters.

christmas break

christmas break is three days away for me. its going to be nice to have good food, and a nice bed to sleep in. im going to enjoy spending time with my girlfriend, and family. i cant wait for the good christmas dinner. im also going to get to hunt a lot. its going to be fun to be back home, but im gonna get sick of working for my dad again. i hate construction work. im so glad i have a different job during the summer. ive worked for my dad for 16 years and let me tell you it gets boring. i get burnt out of jobs very easily. i dont know how ill ever stay interested in a career. im not even sure what career im going to decide on, but i guess i have a lot of time to think about it. it is really hard to think of stuff to write about. these blogs are really hard to stay focused on. i wish i would have done them throughout the semester, instead of all of them right now. i really cant think of anything to write about. atleast these things are only 200 words each.

getting ready to take a biology final

i am taking a biology final in 40 minutes. i have studied a bit and i hope i do good. im really nervous. i have to pass the final in order to pass the class. so im hoping for the best. i know right when i get in there i will be shaky and nervous but oh well. im so bad at tests, i always have been. well im going to take the test ill come back and finish writing this.
im back, i think i did pretty good. like i said, i did get shaky and nervous. im still shaking, i guess just cause i know if i fail ill never hear the end of it from my parents. they definetly arent gonna be happy with a D either. i really hope i do better next semester. my parents are gonna be really disappointed in this semesters greades, but hopefully ill make them happy next semester. i hate it when my parents blame my grades on having a girlfriend, i wouldnt be doing anything different if i didnt have one. if anything she helps my grades cause she keeps me focused on what needs to be done. and i hate it when they think i party too much, i dont party barely any at all. ive probably only partied 5 times all semester, most people do it every weekend. oh well life goes on and ill just do my best. one final down three to go. my second to hardest one is over so that is a relief.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

stress of finals

first let me say i dislike finals greatly. another thing i dislike is when teachers assign things do during finals. that is dumb in my opinion. i want to take a test and be done not have to work outside of class. its too hard to study and do work at the same time. im getting a little stressed over finals but im gonna take them either way so i might as well take them relaxed. atleast thats what im telling my self, to try to keep myself a little calm. thank god i only have one final mon, one tue, and two wed. that makes it half way easy. i have to pass all of my finals to pass the class which is a little stressful, but i already screwed up in the class so now i just got to atleast pass it. next semester i am gonna focus a lot more. i hate people that can party every night and never study and still get A's. i barely ever party and study quite a bit and i do horrible in class. oh well i will try harder next time. i got to remember to live now not in the past. learn from my mistakes and fix them in the future. well i hope this is 200 words. it is because it looks the same as the ones i actually counted. these blogs would have been brutal if we couldnt write about anything. i dont see why we need assigned topics anyways, as long as we are writing i think the purpose is met.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving break

Over my break i plan on eating a lot of food, and hunting a lot. I am leaving after my math class today so i can go home and spend time with my girlfriend. I am going to take her hunting in the morning. then i will probably spend some time with my parents. it is my dads birthday so we are having a surprise b-day party for him. i hope i get a big deer sometime during this upcoming week. i will also be eating a lot of food. i cant wait to eat the turkey, and green bean casserol, and mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes, and the rolls. its going to taste great. im really excited i wish i could be heading home right now instead of sitting here typing these blogs. im going to fail my math test today. i have no clue how to do it. math is by far my worst subject.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Video Games Make Society Less Violent

So this article is kind've controversial to me. Usually the claim is that video games raise violence in society. this article, however, claims that video games reduce violence. i understand that games are just games and thats it. my belief is that the only people who are influenced by a video game are either mentally unstable or they are not age appropriate for the game. obviously a mature rated game is going to affect a 8 year old differently than a 40 year old. so my belief is that if the age ratings are followed that violence can be reduced, but when the age rating is abused violence may go up. when a age appropriate, mentally stable person plays a violent game i think it gives them a chance to have fun and take their frustration out on an inatimate object. when people watch violent movies they are not in control at all and it inadvertantly makes them angry, but when they can control the situation like in a game it relieves stress.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do Words Matter?

This article describes how society makes new words for harsh terms. like Garbage man is now called sanitation worker. i dont understand why we have to think of new terms to call harsh words. people are just jerks these days. i will call the people who pick up my trash garbage men because that is what they are if they are too ashamed to call them selve that then they shouldnt have the job. i pick up trash for my fathers construction company, you can call me whatever you like but in the end ill still just be picking up trash. yeah it may be a gross job low on the pay scale but it has to be done. there are also terms that have been changed to make people feel better about themselves like deferred instead of failed. if i fail at anything i know it is my fault. if it is a test i obviously didnt get enough help or didnt study enough, i do not need to make up words to make myself feel better cause in the end i know that i failed. i think that people care too much about what other people think. you can call me dumb or a failure but i dont care im not going to say things like im not dumb im just under educated. if i am dumb in a certain subject so be it it is probably because i dont try very hard and it is all my fault. so my moral is do what you want and dont care what people say about it or you.

Gender Differences: How Real Are They?

This article trys to explain how males and females are different. It says that girls have a higher grade point average and also have a higher rate of graduating. i do believe this is true because most of the time girls are smarter than guys. i do believe that guys have more common sense than girls. girls can do great in school but that doesnt mean they are gonnna do great in life. There are many things that girls cannot do that guys can do naturally. so even though girls may succeed in book smarts guys usually succeed in common sense and practical skills. now everything i say is my opinion and it is probably wrong, it is just my way of thinking. this also means that there are some very book smart guys and some very practical thinking girls out there i am just generalizing. i believe that common sense and practical skills are more important in life. I would much rather know how to get my car started, or know how to cook, or know how to fix common household items, than i would know how to do calculas or geometry, or be good in world history. But thats just my opinion.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Old Intro
So when I was asked to pick an object that represents my personality I was confused. I am a living person and an object is inanimate and shows no emotion. How could an object represent my complicated personality or emotions? Well first I tried thinking about myself. I know I am a kind, hardworking person, and I like to hunt and fish. So the only thing I could think that would represent those characteristics is my truck. My truck is a 2003 Chevy two wheel drive. The truck is white with a bed cover and tinted windows. So I know that I as well as my truck always go hunting, and also go on dates, this is why I am going to compare myself to my truck, because we both can be dirty when it’s time to play, but clean up nice when it’s time for the ladies.

New Intro
Looking at me from the outside everyone would know that i like hunting and i like going out on dates. Any guy with manners knows that to go on a date you must be cleaned up, also any guy who really hunts knows that hunting gets people dirty. This is why i will compare my truck to me. In order to go on a date both me and my truck must be clean, and going hunting will get both me and my truck dirty.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Body Image: Is It a Serious Issue?

I believe body image is a really serious issue with people in the world today. My opinion is body image is important to both males and females, although i think females care more. I also believe that it is easier for guys to obtain what they want. I belive this is true because usually guys want to be muscular and that can be achieved fairly easily. Usually girls want things that are not achievable like bigger breasts, or a completly different body type. The media has a huge influence on how girls and boys live their lives. I think girls pay way too much attention to the media. My belief is that people should live their lives how they want to and not worry about what other people think. But i will be honest i as well as everyone else cares about body image. I mean whats the fun in not caring what the opposite sex thinks then life would be boring and uneventful.