Tuesday, December 9, 2008

math final tomorrow

so my algebra final is tomorow. algebra is by far my worst subject. i have to get a 30% on the test to pass the class. and it sounds dumb but i might not even do that good. but im gonna try my best and hope for the best. i think the test is going to go over basic stuff but i cant even do that. i hate math so much. this will be my last math class ever. that is if i pass it. surely i can get a 30% but who knows with me. maybe ill get lucky. i really hope i pass cause i dont want to go throught the class again. i really dont think i could do it again. i hate all types of math. so im really hoping that this is the last math class ill ever take. i think it is but you can never be sure. i also hate biology. its going to be close if i passed that one too. im just praying that i pass everything. my parents are gonna be dissappointed enough that im getting D's. well ill hope for the best and try to stay focused. so this is the last blog and im done !! thank the lord.

im dissapointed in the station

i went to the station to fill my craving for ramen noodles, and guess what they didnt have any! so when i was there i got another craving for chicken wings and they didnt have those either. so i got a chicken parmesan and spagetti and meatballs dinner. i hope they are good. the chicken parmesan is in the microwave right now it takes 5 minutes to cook. i cant wait im so hungry. i hope it tastes good. wow its really windy outside. the light pole looks like its about to blow over. it was supposed to snow but it hasnt yet. i hope it doesnt snow until after i leave i dont want to have to drive in the snow. its too dangerous to drive in the snow, especially when i have a two wheel drive truck. my meal just got done cooking it smells really good im gonna eat it after i finish this blog since its probably really hot right now. so this is the second to last blog thank god. i never thought i would get done with these but im almost there. only one more to go. i have no clue what i will write about but im sure ill think of something to write about.

ramen noodles

i like ramen noodles. they taste great and they are very convienent. the only kind i have tried is the chicken flavor, i think im going to try the shrimp flavored today. im gonna go get some from the station right now. i hope they have them cause im really hungry right now. i wonder why i am always so hungry? i hate it when i never get full. i could eat all day long and still be hungry. maybe its because i never eat good food, i need some homemade food, to fill my cravings. i really want a steak with a bake potatoe right now. i just want anything home cooked. anything would be good right now. i hate it when i get hungry and have no way of getting food. like when im hunting, or when im in a long class. i cant wait for this break so i can eat some real food. i havent had meat in a long time. all i eat is microwave food and there isnt any real meat in that. i want a juicy hamburger or a steak or a roast or anything. i wish it was thanksgiving so i could eat a lot of food. but usually we eat a lot during christmas too so ill be ok.

why i hate cats

my mom has a lot of cats. i hate them. they get hair everywhere, they are messy, and they are annoying. i hate it when the cat comes and meows cause it wants out. or it wakes you in the middle of the night to go outside. it doesnt help that my girlfriend is allergic to cats. i hate how their hair gets on everything. i can go home for one day then come back to school and everything is covered in hair. i would much rather have a dog than a cat. atleast a dog will live ouside all the time and wont tear up the house and leave hair everywhere. a dog might be a pain in the city cause you aould have to walk it and everything, but im gonna live in the country so i wont have to walk it. this is why i would prefer a dog over a cat, any day. i do like that cats are small and cuddly and they will sleep in your bed and keep your feet warm but its not worth all the nasty hair they shed in the house. so when i get my own house i will get a outdoor dog, and no cats.

Monday, December 8, 2008


so my portfolio is due in two days. i think im done except for the cover letter, which shouldnt be too hard. the portfolio wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be but these blogs are a lot worse than i thought they would be. i just cant wait to be done and go home. these finals are really stressing me out, but they will be over soon. i am really getting tired of these blogs. i dont see why ten blogs would have been bad, wouldnt it serve the same purpose without the frustration of writing so many blogs, and the teacher wouldnt have to read so much. well i guess complaining isnt gonna get me anywhere. thank god these arent being graded for grammar, cause im not even paying attention to that. well im almost done with this one but i have no clue what im gonna do on the next one. maybe ill just wait till tom to do my next one cause i have no idea what i would do. well i guess ill study for art now then tommorrow i can study for math and i can do the rest of the blogs and my cover letter.


i like to cook. i guess i like to cook because i like to eat and in order to eat you must either cook or eat fast food and i hate fast food. i also like to cook becuase its kindve like experimenting. i can add different spices and ingredients and see what the outcome is. i also just enjoy cooking i dont know why i just like it. my favorite type of cooking would be grilling or baking. i like grilling because it gets me outside. theres nothing like grilling deer steaks on a beautiful spring afternoon. i also like to use a crock pot and cook roasts all day. its nice to be able to put a roast in before work then come home to a meal. girls like a guy that can cook. i like girls that cook but im not afraid to cook a few nights of the week and even help her when she cooks. most guys wont do that but i dont have any problem with it. ive always liked to cook. i guess i was just born with it. i used to always watch emril when i was little. i wanted to be a cook but i kindve just lost that interest.

the best time of your life is...

everyone wonders when the best time of their life is. i believe the best time of your life is the time your in now. this means that have fun where your at dont wish time away, dont wish to be old, or married cause it will be here soon enough. i do find myself wishing for the future but in the back of my head i always remember that it will be here soon enough. i loved my young years because they were worry free, i love my college years cause they are just plain fun, and ill love my older years cause there will be no rules and i can start a family. so i can see benifits about everytime in my life, so im just gonna live it day by day and never wish for anything different. im gonna be happy where i am. im just gonna enjoy my life because ive seen some people with some pretty bad lives and mine is amazing compared to theirs. i have a good family, im going to school , i dont have a drug addiction, and i have a good girlfriend, so i think of myself as extremely lucky. so every day i just have to remember how bad other people have it and how good i truly have it.